Advent Calendar, Day 12: Clare Lakewood

Meiju Knits Advent Calendar, Day 12: Clare Lakewood

(Photo Clare Lakewood)

Clare Lakewood's accessory oriented designs are beautifully presented, they are bold, harmonious and  look fun-to-knit. Some of them would be perfect last minute quick gifts.

Ravelry name: lakewoodknits 
Designer name: Clare Lakewood 
Link to your designer page on Ravelry:

About: Clare is a West Coast to West Coast transplant. Born and raised on the West Coast of Australia, she relocated to San Francisco, on the West Coast of the USA, in late 2013. Clare really enjoys living in a city where every season is handknit season. When it comes to yarn, she is particularly interested in natural coloured and breed-specific wools. When it comes to designing, she is interested in designs with options - reversible patterns, or modular knits that can be easily modified to the knitter’s preference. She spins as well as knits, though not efficiently enough for it to be particularly useful!


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